Ways to give

Recurring or one time

Click the button to setup online giving.

or use Zelle

It's free to send to the church.

Giving should be a joyful thing, it should not be a ritual but a posture we take into each day.

God is the ultimate giver who gave the most precious gift imaginable, His Son Jesus. Our lives are transformed by the gospel of Jesus. When we learn to give generously, it changes us, making us more like our generous Creator. 

The word "tithe" literally means tenth or 10%.

The Bible says that everything we have comes from Him, so tithing is actually returning to God what belongs to Him.

An offering is anything we give beyond the 10%.

It takes financial resources to accomplish the work God has called us to do. Our giving funds the daily operations of the local church, helps to fund our local Mission Teams, and supports Nazarene missions around the world.

The Church at Riverstone

Together, led by Jesus.



© 2023